Thursday, December 8, 2011

Humidifier for Baby K

Hey Moms! It’s time for another lesson Learned tip: Congestion.
Baby K was making an awful wheezing sound for about a day and a half. It started to sound really bad and was breaking my heart, so I called the doctor. I kind of felt like a paranoid first time mom, but the office actually told me to bring her in later that day. Apparently RSV is going around town. After reading a few very similar articles on RSV, I was afraid that this is what she had.
The doctor took a listen to her chest and smiled saying it is NOT RSV. He recommended we get a humidifier and try some saline spray. Chris is not a fan of nose sprays and refused to spray anything up her nose. (It kind of freaked me out too.)
We did race to Meijer that night and pick up a Vicks Cool Moisture Humidifier and a box of the Pediatric VapoPad refills. I love the smell of Vicks, and since baby K is sleeping in the cradle in our room, I got to enjoy and benefit from it too.
It only took one night and part of the morning for her congested, heartbreaking breathing to become normal and beautiful again.
RSV is very serious for babies. So, don’t worry about feeling silly about calling the doctor if your baby is experiencing a slow on-set of cold like symptoms. Take your baby in and let the doctor listen to her breathing.

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