Friday, December 9, 2011

The Bulb Syringe

With having a baby comes the ever daunting task of having to clean their precious little noses out with a bulb syringe.  

Some babies won’t mind you sticking that thing up their nose, while others will absolutely dread it. Right now, (knock on wood) – I’m one of the lucky ones and baby K just kind of stares at me like “Are you sure you know what’s best for me Mama?”

So, it’s a bulb syringe – easy right? You squeeze the bulb; insert it into the baby’s nostril, and release -letting the suction grab up all those disgusting boogers. I’ve discovered by trial and error that there is a right way and a wrong way to using this simple device, and that my friends is the wrong way.

First, let me say that it took me awhile to even entertain the thought of sticking this plastic tube inside my baby’s nose. I had read how you should never stick anything (even the bulb syringe) into a baby’s nose or ears, because it just pushes the gunk up in there farther. However, after my husband had quick success with it one morning, I thought there might be something to this that will get Baby K the relief she needs quickly.

The first few times I tried, it took a very long time for Baby K’s nose to get cleaned out when I just squeezed and released straight into her nose. In fact, I think I stopped trying each of those times because it just wasn’t getting the boogies out, and I swear those things were just getting pushed up there more like I read about it.

Eventually, when she was breathing uncomfortably through her mouth while napping I gave in to trying it again. I held her up in my arms in the kitchen with the bright lights on. Thus, I learned that just going straight in was not doing any good to get the little boogers hanging out right there in her nose. Out of sheer desperation, I pointed the end of the syringe towards the top of her nose where the booger was really hanging on – and after a few attempts I could see that it was being pulled forward! PROGRESS! I was so excited.

I’ve cleaned her nose out several times now, and it only works quickly when I point the syringe towards either the top or bottom of her nostril. If I just go straight in her nose with no direction the boogies just moves further back.

Hope this helps in making your nostril cleaning time much more effective.

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