Monday, November 21, 2011

Belly Sleeping

Over the past few weeks that I’ve been a mother, I couldn’t help but notice that my baby girl wasn’t exactly sleeping soundly. She fussed so much while sleeping that I had to admit it was no surprise that her beautiful little eyes just looked red and tired all the time. She sleeps perfectly restful on our chests and cuddled tightly into our side when we take a nap beside her during the day.

The hubby and I have a strict no sleeping in the bed with us policy that while a night here or there won’t make it a habit; it’s not a move we are willing to make for her safety! (Big toss and turners with a tiny baby between them…could spell disaster.) In the middle of the night last week I was so tired that after several attempts to put my seemingly sleeping baby into her cradle and then getting her out again after she was being fussy I put her on her stomach in my bed while I stretched, took a gulp of my water, and rearranged my pillows so I could sleep sitting up with her on my chest. By the time I got in bed and went to pick her up I noticed that she was sleeping more peacefully than I had ever seen her sleep.

With ease I transferred her to the cradle and she stirred for a moment and then drifted right back to sleep. I know the risks of putting her to sleep on her tummy, so I have only tried it a few times just to see if she really does sleep more soundly.

Yes she does.

However, it is because I know the risks and I know that the SIDS rate dropped after the “Back to Sleep” campaign was established that I’m not going to bask in the enjoyment of giving her long peaceful sleeping nights just yet. When swaddling fails me and she remains fussy, I’m only going to allow myself to put her to sleep on her tummy when I am way beyond the point of just being tired, and need sleep to keep my sanity. I think it is also important to point out that even when she is sleeping peacefully, I am still climbing out of bed multiple times a night to check that she has not buried her face in the mattress, put her limbs through the railing of the crib, and just overall making sure she is safe. So while she may sleep better, as her mother, I’m not always getting that same benefit.

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