Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Baby’s First Halloween Costume

Being just over 3 weeks old, it was rather daunting to consider a Halloween costume for Baby K. At first I wasn’t going to do any costume, but then I thought that it would be fun to have her dressed as something when the neighbors came over with their little ones to trick-or-treat.

I am all about homemade anything and everything as you will learn, and still recovering from delivery I didn’t have the energy/strength/time or the means to make a costume. ….Luckily, there is a Mom’s group on Facebook for my city. There I scouted out a WAHM (Working at Home Mom) to make me a beautiful Cocoon for Baby K.
For her first Halloween Baby K was dressed as a FOOTBALL. My husband and I are huge football fans (Go Colts) and I thought that this was original and unique to our family. She was beautiful and I loved that it was a handmade costume. =P
What did your children dress as?

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