Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Incision Care

Between the Holiday and trying to get my incision to close-up and stop bleeding I have become rather lax with the postings. I will have a couple posts up and ready to be read tonight, but I thought I would take a break from the mountain of laundry that has accumulated to share a little tip when your incision from a c-section refuses to heal.

I have had several stitches pop out of the skin and lots of bleeding and a little clear liquid draining from the incision over the course of the last 7 weeks. The ends of the incision look dark purple and have been very tender. I've tried to be good and stay off my feet, but as a new mother I've found this is impossible with just the newborn (forget having more running around the house). It is even more impossible to not wobble around the house trying to keep things somewhat presentable when the husband works 12-16 hours days, and you hate to ask him to do more work after working so hard all day.

The problem with the incision is that the scab keeps getting torn off and thus we have more bleeding. I have put gauze pads over the ends to keep my under garments and jeans from peeling the scab away, and tried bandages (remember, band-aid is a brand, haha) - put then they just got pressed into the sore and it would get moist and open up - then it would dry with the gauze and pad stuck to it, and this gave a quick, but painful sensation when trying to get it off... (FYI: Drip some water on the gauze or bandage if the wound dries to it.)

The thing I found this weekend that works best is to let it air dry completely (like you have been doing hopefully) and then fold a paper towel and tuck that into your undergarments so it covers the incision loosely. I think this has worked the best for me because it allows the wound to breathe more even when your dressed, and it keeps it protected at the same time. Plus, the dried blood doesn't cause the paper towel to stick to the wound!

I have been closed up with no drainage for almost three days now and (hopefully) counting!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Belly Sleeping

Over the past few weeks that I’ve been a mother, I couldn’t help but notice that my baby girl wasn’t exactly sleeping soundly. She fussed so much while sleeping that I had to admit it was no surprise that her beautiful little eyes just looked red and tired all the time. She sleeps perfectly restful on our chests and cuddled tightly into our side when we take a nap beside her during the day.

The hubby and I have a strict no sleeping in the bed with us policy that while a night here or there won’t make it a habit; it’s not a move we are willing to make for her safety! (Big toss and turners with a tiny baby between them…could spell disaster.) In the middle of the night last week I was so tired that after several attempts to put my seemingly sleeping baby into her cradle and then getting her out again after she was being fussy I put her on her stomach in my bed while I stretched, took a gulp of my water, and rearranged my pillows so I could sleep sitting up with her on my chest. By the time I got in bed and went to pick her up I noticed that she was sleeping more peacefully than I had ever seen her sleep.

With ease I transferred her to the cradle and she stirred for a moment and then drifted right back to sleep. I know the risks of putting her to sleep on her tummy, so I have only tried it a few times just to see if she really does sleep more soundly.

Yes she does.

However, it is because I know the risks and I know that the SIDS rate dropped after the “Back to Sleep” campaign was established that I’m not going to bask in the enjoyment of giving her long peaceful sleeping nights just yet. When swaddling fails me and she remains fussy, I’m only going to allow myself to put her to sleep on her tummy when I am way beyond the point of just being tired, and need sleep to keep my sanity. I think it is also important to point out that even when she is sleeping peacefully, I am still climbing out of bed multiple times a night to check that she has not buried her face in the mattress, put her limbs through the railing of the crib, and just overall making sure she is safe. So while she may sleep better, as her mother, I’m not always getting that same benefit.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Singing Saturday

I'm a Little Teapot

I'm a little teapot, short and stout
Here is my handle
(one hand on hip), here is my spout (other arm out straight)
When I get all steamed up, hear me shout
Just tip me over and pour me out
(As song ends, lean over and tip arm out like a spout.)

I'm a clever teapot, yes it's true
Here's an example of what I can do
I can change my handle to my spout
(Switch arm positions and repeat tipping motion.)
Just tip me over and pour me out.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Muchin' Monday

Chicken and Broccoli Rolls:
Mmm… a real treat coming late today. This is a great dinner that turns leftovers into a quick and simple snack! It takes minutes to prepare and even less time to cook. I am posting this as though the Chicken is already cooked and shredded (Following Post has Chicken preparation directions).

Cutting Board
Measuring Cups/Spoons
Medium Sized Bowl
Mixing Spoon
Cookie Sheet
Baggie (for leftovers)

1 Cup Shredded Chicken
½ Cup Broccoli (finely chopped)
½ Cup Carrots (finely chopped)
½ Cup Mayonnaise
1 tsp Garlic
½ tsp Dill Weed
1 pkg Crescent Rolls   

This is your already prepared Chicken.
1>      Preheat Oven to 375*.
2>     Cut Broccoli and Carrots. (I use organic shredded carrots and then just chop into pieces.)

3>     Mix Chicken, Broccoli, Carrots, Mayo, Garlic, and Dill Weed in bowl.

4> Unroll Crescent Rolls onto cookie sheet.
5> Put Large spoonful of mixture on each piece and roll.
6> Bake for 12-14 Minutes or till golden brown.

                Put leftovers in baggie and warm in the microwave (if desired) for an awesome snack over the next couple days. I’m usually big on freezer meals and snacks – but you really shouldn’t freeze anything containing Mayonnaise.

If you have leftover mixture like I always do the mixture tastes great on those mini-sandwich thins as a nice lunch item.


I like to serve with a healthy salad and diced potatoes.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Bumble Bee, Bumble Bee

Bumble Bee, Bumble Bee

Bumble bee, bumble bee.

Straight from the farm.

Bumble bee, bumble bee.

Flies under your arm.

To help make this more enjoyable for both you and your baby – simply use your finger to simulate a flying bee, and then give your baby a little tickle under their arm at the end.

Friday, November 11, 2011

The Goodwill Steal

Like many-a frugal persons, I have no qualms about releasing my fashion nose in a search and rescue dog style within the walls of the local Goodwill store. We have an outlet shop here in town, and I can’t tell you how many $80+ dollar Ann Taylor skirts that I bought for only a mere $1.50 on Half Off Saturdays.

But this post isn’t about skirts, no It’s about buying a few good, decent jeans to wear post-pregnancy. Since I still have a hard time (that’s right, only a hard time) fitting in to my size 2 pre-pregnancy jeans I had to go shopping because the maternity pants were sagging to my knees with no belly to help hold them up.

I had to buy size 8 jeans (which I am in no way upset about, I think it’s a wonderful thing actually – perfect size).

It took me about an hour to realize I needed the size 8’s, but after I realized this I went to TOWN! But, I guess I’ll stop teasing you and tell you about my steal of a deal…

Due to spending way too much time at the Goodwill, I have noticed that if a brand is at the Outlet Mall and “popular” - the store automatically puts a “boutique” tag on it… (I once passed a J. Crew tank top with a HOLE in it marked at $7.00) – This has helped me out so much, but I was extra happy to find this deal! ….

I had a pair of Old Navy jeans that were marked up to $9.00 as a “boutique” item. I also had a pair of Banana Republic jeans…not marked up… hmm… and the Old navy pair had a stain on the back pocket (which my husband pointed out when I rambled how I couldn’t believe the BR jeans were not “boutique”… but I won’t complain.) I bought a pair of $80 jeans that honestly look brand-new not even washed for $3.50. I LOVE it.

My Baby Has Boobs!!

No, those aren’t cute little chubby fat rolls you see protruding from Baby K’s chest…Those are boobies. Apparently caused by my hormones, but YES - My newborn baby does in fact have boobs. ANNND, they leak milk. (Wonderful, right?)

The Pediatrician said that the boobs are fine, and NOT to do anything unless they become red or seem irritated, like when they start leaking. (Which has happened twice!) It is important to put a warm compress on her…*gulp*… breasts… when they start leaking or become red and hot to the touch. This is because even she (and MALE babies) can be at risk for the same enemy of the boob…Mastitis. So be SURE to call the Doctor if this happens.

You did read that right, boobs and leaky boobs are even common in male babies as well, so don’t freak out if you have a boy dripping a drop or two of milk from time to time. Here is a link to get more information:

I almost wanted to give up...

Yesterday was a tough one. Baby K was cluster feeding most of the day. Every hour and a half she was nursing and my nipples were starting to get sore. At around 11pm I told her that if she continues eating this often Mommy is going to have to feed her a bottle with…… dundundun…formula! Thankfully she went from 11:30 to 4:30 and even then I had to wake her up for a feeding, but she only nursed for a few minutes before going back to a deep sleep. I tried to feed her again at 7:30 and she woke up somewhat to eat and then was just content starring at the wall.

So, I don’t truly plan on giving up (nor did I relly want to), but I may have been broken had she continued cluster feeding the entire night as well. Today is a new day, and I’m back and ready to go.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Munchin' Monday

Another new weekly segment here at Learning the Mommy Name is going to be "Munchin' Monday". As the name suggests I will be posting a recipe that we enjoy in this house every Monday. There may be more than one or recipes on other days of the week, but you'll always find a new one every Monday! 



This week - I made a classic Freezer Meal Staple in this house. If you are not familiar with Freezer Meals I will be making a post explaining the process and the benefits to you sometime this week, but for now - I am just going to go through the recipe with you. 


Pot for Pasta
Sauté Pan
Spoon for Stirring
Large Mixing Bowl
Baking Dish – 8X8X2 or larger **(1)**
Aluminum Foil (If Freezing part)  

Ingredients: **(2)**

  • 1 box Penne Pasta
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 or 2 large boneless/skinless Chicken Breast (cubed)
  • 1/2 cup diced onion
  • 1 small sweet pepper (diced)
  • 1 teaspoon minced garlic
  • 1 (14.5-ounce) can diced tomatoes with juice
  • 1 ½ cups shredded mozzarella
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh Flat Leaf Parsley
  • Salt to Taste
  • Black Pepper to Taste
  • Bread Crumbs (as desired)
  • Parmesan (as desired)
  • 1 tablespoon butter (Plus a little to butter baking dish)


  • Preheat Oven to 400 degrees F.

·         Bring a medium pot of salted water to a boil over high heat. Add the pasta and cook until just tender, stirring occasionally, about 5 minutes. Drain pasta and put into a large mixing bowl. **(3)**

·         Heat Oil over Medium Heat in Sauté Pan.

·         Cook Chicken about 4 minutes or till mostly done.

·         Add Onions and Garlic, cooking till chicken and Onions are fully done.

·         Combine Chicken with Pasta in large bowl.

·         Add Tomatoes, Sweet Peppers, Cheese, Parsley, Salt, and Black Pepper and combine.

·         Distribute mixture into buttered dish and foil pans if freezing.

·         Sprinkle or Cover top with Bread Crumbs and Parmesan as you like.

·         Dot top with butter

·         Bake for about 30 minutes, or till top is golden brown.


(1)   – I always make a large batch of this to freeze part of it. With the amounts of Ingredients given, I usually bake the 8X8X2 dish and then have 3 Mini-Loaf Aluminum Foil pans that I wrap with foil, date, and Freeze for lunch and quick single dinners. If you do not want to freeze any, simply bake in 2 dishes or a larger baking dish.

(2)   All the ingredients should be measured according to what you like. This is a variation of the original recipe that I was given – modified to fit what my family enjoys, feel free to modify it to fit yours. This is designed to have extras for freezing, so scale back accordingly if you would like a smaller batch.

(3)   You want to just slightly undercook the pasta. It will finish cooking in the oven.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Singing Saturday - Baa Baa Black Sheep

Another Classic that you can't help but love.

Baa Baa Black Sheep

Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full!
One for the master, one for the dame,
And one for the little boy who lives down the lane

Friday, November 4, 2011

Belly Button Blues

We have the Belly Button Blues in this house today.
Let me start by saying that it took almost 11 days for Baby K’s umbilical stump to fall off. It bled afterwards, which everything says is alright. The doctor said not to worry if there is a little bleeding after it comes off.
At this time – I thought it was bleeding more than the little we were instructed to anticipate. My husband found some instructions telling us to press a piece of gauze on it for 15 minutes and if it hadn’t stopped bleeding then we needed to call the Doctor right away. We did this, and the bleeding seemed to stop.
Exactly one week after it fell off she woke up with dried blood around the belly button. I called the DR’s office and the nurse/receptionist told me that it was normal and fine and not to worry… well I worried and I WISH that I would have followed my instincts.
While this may not seem like a huge deal to anyone else, it is to me…
This morning at the DR appointment, he looked at her belly button after we told him it was really red and inflamed looking. He said it is not closing properly, but now it’s too far for him to be able to put the silver nitrate on it to help close it up, and we just have to wait for it to heal on its own.
Is it a huge deal? Probably not. Am I a little bit upset that my daughter has to be uncomfortable and in pain because the office worker that answered the phone didn’t say, “It’s more than likely ok, but since it’s been a week let’s go ahead and have the DR take a look”? You bet.
My Advice: Don’t wait if the belly button is bleeding or oozing more than what YOU consider a little. I did, and although I called the doctor when there was bleeding after a week – I wish, wish, wish, that I would have insisted on bringing her in to see the doctor if not when it first fell off and I was worried – I should have done so at that point when I found dried blood on it that morning a week later.  Please don’t make the same mistake. It may not be life threatening, but who wants to put their child through more pain that necessary?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Baby’s First Halloween Costume

Being just over 3 weeks old, it was rather daunting to consider a Halloween costume for Baby K. At first I wasn’t going to do any costume, but then I thought that it would be fun to have her dressed as something when the neighbors came over with their little ones to trick-or-treat.

I am all about homemade anything and everything as you will learn, and still recovering from delivery I didn’t have the energy/strength/time or the means to make a costume. ….Luckily, there is a Mom’s group on Facebook for my city. There I scouted out a WAHM (Working at Home Mom) to make me a beautiful Cocoon for Baby K.
For her first Halloween Baby K was dressed as a FOOTBALL. My husband and I are huge football fans (Go Colts) and I thought that this was original and unique to our family. She was beautiful and I loved that it was a handmade costume. =P
What did your children dress as?