Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Diaper Rash Dealings

 Baby K has a diaper rash, that I’m actually not sure is not yeast. Chris and I have tried Desitin (and were later warned off by the NP in the doctor’s office because of the fact that she is so small right now, the thick cream just makes it worst – and to support her opinion I had used some of the Desitin on my own rash that a acquired thanks to the MEGA sized pads at the hospital on my inner thigh areas way up there – and I must admit that it was super gross and crusty I literally squatted there and scratched the stuff off.)

Instead she suggested A&D or Aquaphor Healing Ointment. We bought a tube of Aquaphor to try, but it didn’t seem to help and her skin on the upper, inner thigh actually began to look as though it was peeling now. We started Baby K on disposable diapers until her cord fell off, then went to cloth- the rash started when we ran out of Seventh Generation diapers, and had to use Pampers, but it seemed to get worse even after we switched to cloth...although I'm sure we weren't giving her skin ample time to dry before putting the new diaper on her (we didn't know!).
It constantly had a wet look to it – so I busted out the hairdryer and have used it to help dry my baby out between diaper changes on the ‘cool’ setting – of course.  I have only given this a try twice (not giving up on it) – but simply also decided to let Baby K hang out in the Family Room on a soft fleece blanket (safer than plastic, more resistant than any other cotton to keep my carpet dry, and I got it at the Goodwill for fifty cents, so I really don’t care if she poops on it) – and she has been seemingly enjoying the open-air time. Her cute little butt cheeks look to be a much lighter pink than they did an hour ago, so here’s to hoping we can get on top of this rash situation…. Updates will follow this post as I plan to have her diaperless again for most of the day tomorrow.
I also got a little squirt bottle and soft rag ready to go for cleaning her between changes instead of the wipes - we'll see if a combination of things work, if not it'll be off to the doctor tomorrow afternoon.

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