Wednesday, January 4, 2012

More Projectile Vomitting

Baby K has more issues with projectile vomitting. Apparently she gets it from me... no seriously. After weeks of keeping a list of everything I eat, it has been determined that she is 100% lactose intolerant. Any and all types of dairy have her covering either Chris or I with puddles of spitup.

Thankfully the solution is simple.... don't eat dairy. Unfortunately, the solution is difficult to execute. It sounds simple enough, and I am trying very hard to be mindful of what I eat. For example, we went to have some Mexican the other night. I always order the same thing - Yolandas. What I didn't think about was that they are covered in cheese sauce. =/ But, I'm doing really good other than that slip. I almost slipped last night when I made Grilled Chicken Salad for dinner.... My husband started to sprinkle a little cheese on our plates when I caught him and stopped him! Whew...

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