Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Naked Butt Time

Katelyn loves her Naked Butt Time. I love giving it to her multiple times-a-day. (Partly because she isn't crawling yet, I'm sure.). I have found that the easiest way to keep the carpet clean and dry is to put a fleece blanket over her playmat, because it is pretty water resistant. Then I put a prefold over that to reduce the amount of time the blanket spends in the washing machine because I only have two that I use for NBT.

The Prefold I ordered from Green Mountain Diapers. I used them with NB covers I won on eBay, and when she grew into the smallest setting on the FLIP Diaper covers I just fold the sides into the middle and use it as an insert. They are a little small to use with the medium setting on the FLIP covers., but still they make great absorbent cloths for various other needs (like NBT).

(I'll have a post soon about the Cloth Diapers I use and which I like and why.)

The Dairy Food Blues

We've been noticing that every time I eat a dairy product Katelyn will projectile vomit it out within minutes of nursing. So, to keep her beautiful smile happening - I've been learning to like Soy milk...-Or should I say WE to some extent. We have been using it for cooking, so in a sense Chris is adapting to it as well... even though there is no taste difference in the cooked meals that we have noticed so far.-

I had a coupon for $1 off Silk brand - I bought Original, but have read that Vanilla is apparently the best thing ever. Original has done alright by us, but I suppose I will break down and by a Vanilla carton on our shopping trip this week with the coupon from this weekends paper. The Pros and Cons of Soy Milk still seem to be up for debate from what I have read, but from what I read it all seems to wash equally. Plus, if it allows me to drink milk and not cause my baby girl to toss her lunch, I'm all for it.

In my research on Soy Milk I found a simple recipe for making your own Soy Milk. It's not something that makes me want to jump-up and get-to-making, but I may try it at some point, plus, it may interest you.

Making Your Own Soy Milk

Here are some basic steps:

1. Clean the Soybeans.

2. Soak them in water for several hours.

3. Grind the soaked Soybeans with some water in a blender.

4. Filter the mixture through cheesecloth by squeezing and keep the soy milk.

5. Boil the soy milk for about 10 minutes.

6. Let the soy milk cool.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

3 Months Already

Katelyn passed the 3 month mark last Friday. I can not believe how big she is getting. She changes and grows everyday. She loves to sit and play in the Evenflo ExerSaucer we bought for her. She hasn't been able to actually sit in it for very long, but she's getting the hang of making the toys talk to her. just a little more practice needed.

It sells for $119.00 at Toys R Us, but we bought it from one of the nurses in ours doctor's office for $30. It is brand-spanking new clean. Chris was surprised that she even took it out of the box, because it looks as though it was never used. There is also a bar with a hanging Butterfly and Koala Bear that arches over the birds in the back, but it is on the matching play mat right now, along with a dragonfly the hangs out in the open spot you see there on the side. This saucer is designed for birth - 2 years. It has the mat that you put the Koala Bear and Butterfly over, then they grow into the saucer itself as she is pictured in above, and then you "unwind" it for when they start toddling around as shown on the below. With a little care, this toy could be around for a long time....exactly the way we like to spend our

Monday, January 9, 2012

Munchin' Monday

The decision for what to make for dinner last night was pretty simple. I had a taste for Sloppy Joe's all weekend, but Chris likes to cook on Sunday's - so I got my Sloppy Joe fix as soon as I could.

I'm sorry that I don't have any real measurements for you. I just throw a little in, taste, and then improve where I can. There truly is not a better way to cook than to just taste, taste, taste. If you're like me then you really just use a recipe as more of a 'guide' anyway, tossing in more of the stuff you like, and less of the stuff you don't. (Plus, you really can't screw up Sloppy Joe's.)
Ingredients You'll Need:
Ground Beef
Onions (diced)
Peppers (diced)
Brown Sugar
Worchestire Sauce
Salt & Pepper to taste
Yellow Mustard
(to offset if you make it too sweet like I did)
Step 1: COOK your meat, onions, and peppers then drain.
Step 2: ADD lots of ketchup, garlic, (a little) brown sugar, worchestire sauce, (a little) Mustard, and salt & pepper. Mix to taste, slap on some bread and enjoy.

If you find that your mixture is tooo sweet for you, add a little more mustard. (Don't go crazy, but I don't suggest going hog-wild with the brown sugar. Just add a little, mix, taste and repeat if desired.)

And there you have a super simple, but very delicious meal.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

More Projectile Vomitting

Baby K has more issues with projectile vomitting. Apparently she gets it from me... no seriously. After weeks of keeping a list of everything I eat, it has been determined that she is 100% lactose intolerant. Any and all types of dairy have her covering either Chris or I with puddles of spitup.

Thankfully the solution is simple.... don't eat dairy. Unfortunately, the solution is difficult to execute. It sounds simple enough, and I am trying very hard to be mindful of what I eat. For example, we went to have some Mexican the other night. I always order the same thing - Yolandas. What I didn't think about was that they are covered in cheese sauce. =/ But, I'm doing really good other than that slip. I almost slipped last night when I made Grilled Chicken Salad for dinner.... My husband started to sprinkle a little cheese on our plates when I caught him and stopped him! Whew...


Diaper Rash can be a pain. Chris and I have found that Aquaphor is a great product to use. It protects baby K's bottom, and clears it up in a day or less. We switched to this awhile back after Desitin left her bottom dry and flaky.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Starting 'em Young

Baby K spent some time helping daddy replace the faucet on the tub. She'll be a handy around the house like daddy with a little luck. =)